The APPLY NOW button is provided under in each program’s tab during the application period.

    (Absence of this button indicates that this MX program is not offered for the upcoming semester)


    The MX programs at KFUPM are recognized by the Ministry of Education.

General Requirement

  • A recognized Bachelor’s degree
  • GPA of 2.5+ out of 4.0 or equivalent
  • IELTS score of 6+ or TOEFL score of 70+ or Duolingo score of 105+. (waived for KFUPM graduates and Graduates from English Speaking Countries (USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand)
  • Two recommendation letters
  • Non-refundable processing fee of SAR 100 + VAT
  • Statement-of-Purpose (a one-page essay focusing on career and research goals)
Rules & FAQ

Second Admission Cycle (2025-2026)

17 Mar 2025

Opening Online Application

27 Apr 2025

Last Day for submitting Online Application and Uploading Documents for the open programs only

27 Apr 2025

Last Day for submitting Online Recommendations for open programs only

by May

Last day for Announcement of Application Results

Master Programs at KFUPM

List of all Master programs offered at KFUPM. Click on the respective program for more details.

The Executive MBA program at KFUPM Business School offers a unique learning opportunity for mid-career and senior executives who wish to enhance their business knowledge and effectiveness while remaining actively involved in their business and professional careers. The program combines academic rigor with real world applications to ensure relevance and value addition for business executives. The classes are scheduled every alternate week (Thursdays & Fridays) to make it convenient for business executives to participate in the program without interrupting their careers. The two-year Executive MBA program is designed to enhance the effectiveness of business executives in a rapidly changing and globally competitive business environment that demands new perspectives and continuous self-renewal to transform business challenges into opportunities. The program curriculum is geared toward developing strategic thinking, leadership, understanding of the global economy, and use of information technology to prepare participants for challenging roles in their organizations. The program is benchmarked against leading Executive MBA programs worldwide.

Hosting department:
KFUPM Business School
Program Requirement:
  • 8 years’ work experience including 3 years of managerial experience.
  • Three recommendation letters.

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • ACCT 551: Financial Accounting and Reporting
  • ECON 551: Managerial Economics
  • MGT 551: Behavior & Organization
  • OM 551: Quantitative Methods
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • ACCT 552: Managerial Accounting
  • FIN 554: Managerial Finance
  • MGT 554: Business Negotiations
  • OM 552: Operations Management
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • ECON 561: The Macro Environment of Business
  • MKT 561: Strategic Marketing Management
  • MGT 561: International Business and Globalization
  • MGT 560: Ethics & Leadership
Semester 4 (Spring)
  • FIN 562: Strategic Corporate Finance
  • MIS 564: Electronic Business Strategy
  • MGT 562: Strategic Management
  • MGT 564: Corporate Governance

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: In-Person

This program prepares professionals with a state-of-the-art knowledge on materials and techniques towards the development of sustainable concrete structures that can withstand the local environmental conditions.

The knowledge acquired through this program would be highly beneficial to the graduates in adopting new materials and techniques to establish sustainable structures and repair and rehabilitation of deteriorating ones. The use of advanced materials will lead to the conservation of the conventional resources and energy, which are key for the sustainable development of the Kingdom and are aligned with targets set out in Vision 2030. Furthermore, this program will address the issues related to the assessment and evaluation of the conditions of existing structures for detection of the causes and extent of damage due to harsh exposure conditions in order to select suitable materials and methods for repair and rehabilitation of affected structures, thus conserving the indigenous resources and preserving the infrastructure.

Hosting department:
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Program Requirement:
  • Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering or mechanical engineering from an accredited institution.

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • MSE 500: Survey of Materials Science and Engineering
  • CE 501: Concrete Materials
  • CE 503: Nonmetallic Reinforcing Materials in Concrete Structures
  • CE 504: Corrosion in Reinforced Concrete
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • CE 521: Reinforced Concrete Behavior and Design
  • CE 502: Evaluation and Testing of Concrete Structures
  • CE 601: Advanced Concrete Materials
  • CE 619: Project
Semester 3 (Summer)
  • CE 603: Repair and rehabilitation of Concrete Structures
  • CE 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 50,000 - As low as SR 12,000 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 1 Year

Delivery Mode: In-Person

This multidisciplinary program establishes the theoretical and practical foundations necessary to be at the forefront of progress in the next technological revolution. Advancements made in artificial intelligence and related disciplines will soon touch every piece of technology and aspect of life, making an advanced degree in this field of an essential asset for a successful career in a wide range of business and industrial sectors.

In this program, students are exposed to topics such as machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, and natural language processing. Furthermore, it also covers classification, regression, clustering, dimensionality reduction, perception, motion and manipulation, reinforcement learning, and various types of neural networks. It promotes interdisciplinary education where computer science intersects with mathematics and engineering. The applications of this program are wide-ranging and include automatic image and video processing, healthcare, financial data and trading, speech recognition, facial identification, and seismic survey processing.

Hosting department:
Information & Computer Science
Program Requirement:
  • B.Sc. degree in Engineering, Science, or Information Systems
  • Strong background in Programming and Data Structure (evidences should be provided, e.g., transcripts)
  • Basics of Calculus and Linear algebra
  • Basics of Discrete Mathematics, Probability and Statistics (evidences should be provided, e.g., transcripts)

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • ICS 501: Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
  • ICS 502: Machine Learning
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • ICS 504: Deep Learning
  • MATH 503: Mathematics for Data Science
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • MATH 506: Fundamentals of Data Science
  • ICS 505: Computer Vision
  • ICS 619: Project
Semester 4 (Spring)
  • ICS 503: Evolutionary Computation and Global Optimization
  • ICS 506: Natural Language Processing
  • ICS 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 70,000 - As low as SR 16,800 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: In-Person

This program prepares students to become experts in the rapidly growing field of bioengineering, which focuses on the application of engineering tools to the principles of biology in order to create usable, robust products. Such professionals are highly demanded in numerous sectors such as reaction plants, environmental processes, and medical therapeutic medication industry.

This program focuses on cell and molecular biology, animal developmental biology (including discussion on homeostasis, organs regulations, body systems and their functions, biomaterial science (in support of medical applications), biotechnology techniques and how they are applied to solve environmental problems, and bioreaction rates (including bioreactor design, immobilization and immobilized bioreactors, fermentation, etc.). The program also provides knowledge in mathematical and engineering modelling tools describing biological systems behaviors. The applications of this program includes vary widely from genetics and molecular biology to the developments of biotechnological products in medicine, environment, agriculture, and industrial manufacturing.

Hosting department:
Program Requirement:
  • BSc in engineering, biological sciences, or related fields

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • LS 541: Cellular & Molecular Biology
  • LS 502: Animal Physiology
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • CHE 524: Bioprocess Engineering
  • ENVS 535: Environmental Biotechnology
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • CHE 534: Bioreaction Engineering
  • LS 530: Biomaterials
  • LS 619: Project
Semester 4 (Spring)
  • LS 542: Biotechnology
  • LS 504: Modeling of Biological Systems
  • LS 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 50,000 - As low as SR 12,000 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: In-Person

The MBA program at KFUPM Business School was established in 1975 and is one of the oldest MBA programs in the region. It was designed initially to serve the local professional community with the rise of oil & gas companies such as Saudi Aramco and SABIC. However, this soon extended beyond that as the region began to attract professionals in various industries. These new developments allowed the MBA program to be enriched with diverse backgrounds bringing a unique flavor to the class. In 2002, the Business School achieved the AACSB accreditation and that brought the MBA into light thus attracting international students too. 

The MBA provides all necessary education and skills to prepare students to work and perform successfully at all levels of management. The program covers all the functional areas of business and allows the students to take additional elective courses that match their career aims and their personal goals and development, allowing them to further integrate all functional areas and gain the essential overall view of organizational performance.

While the overall orientation of the program is general business management, it also puts sufficient emphasis on leadership, globalization, strategy, and stresses application of the theory and skills to the Saudi business environment.

Hosting department:
Management & Marketing
Program Requirement:
  • A four-year Bachelor’s (B.A., B.S., B.Sc. or B.E.) degree in business, engineering, or science fields from a recognized (accredited) institution/university.
  • A GPA not less than 2.5 out of 4.00 or equivalent.
  • GMAT or GRE are optional, but satisfactory GMAT or GRE scores are used to support applicants’ files.
  • TOEFL with a minimum score of 520 (PBT), 190 (CBT) or 69 (IBT) or IELTS: with a minimum score of 6.0.
  • Three recommendation letters.
  • At least one course in college level calculus, which covers both differentiation and integration subjects, and at least one course in college level statistics.
  • A working knowledge of computers as evidenced by at least one course in that area (e.g., data processing, programming, information systems, etc.)
  • A one-page statement of purpose.
  • At least three years’ work experience.
  • Applicants are expected to meet the specified admission requirements. For any additional terms and conditions, please feel free to contact us at 013 860 1143.

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • ACCT 507: Financial Accounting for Decision Makers
  • ECON 510: Managerial Economics
  • MKT 510: Marketing Management
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • FIN 510: Managerial Finance
  • MGT 512: Leadership and Organizational Behavior
  • OM 513: Operations & SCM
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • MIS 541: Introduction to Business Analytics
  • MGT 580: Strategic Management
  • XXX 5XX: Elective I
Semester 4 (Spring)
  • MBA 510: Business Practicum
  • XXX 5XX: Elective II
  • XXX 5XX: Elective III

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 80,000 - As low as SR 33,600 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: In-Person

This program is designed to provide professionals and leaders in managerial, business, and technical roles with highly-demanded advanced skills in data analytics. These skills can be immediately applied in various sectors such as industry, banking, telecom, healthcare, etc. IT professionals at different levels, who are in high demand due to rapid market growth, can greatly benefit from this program. It supports both established and emerging applications in e-government and e-business.

The program offers a comprehensive foundation in data analytics, integrating knowledge and skills from both technical and business perspectives. Topics covered include descriptive and inferential statistics with a focus on business applications (distributions, estimation theory, hypothesis testing, multiple regression, nonparametric modeling, etc.), advanced business analytics (market basket analysis, data visualization, decision trees, logistic regression, supervised learning, vector machines, nearest neighbors, neural networks, text mining, etc.), data management, programming essentials of R and Python, management science (e.g. linear programming, duality and sensitivity, transportation and assignment models, goal programming, network optimization), advanced applied regression (multiple regression, residual analysis, polynomial models, etc.), and big data analytics (smart clouds, machine learning and visualization of big data, privacy, etc.).

Hosting department:
Information Systems & Operations Management
Program Requirement:
  • A four-year undergraduate degree in any Business, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics discipline from a recognized and reputable university.
  • Degree (B.A., BBA, B.S., B.E., etc.) in Business, Management, Science, Engineering, Technology, and Mathematics areas.
  • At least one course in college level Calculus that covers both differentiation and integration topics.
  • At least one course in college level Statistics.
  • A working knowledge of computers as evidenced by at least one course in that area (e.g. data processing, programming, information systems, etc.)

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • OM 509: Statistical Foundation for Business Analytics
  • MIS 541: Introduction to Business Analytics
  • MIS 512: Data Management
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • MIS 545: Programming in R & Python
  • OM 511: Management Science
  • MIS 542: Advanced Business Analytics
  • MIS 619: Project
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • MATH 587: Advanced Applied Regression
  • ICS 574: Big Data Analytics
  • MIS 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 70,000 - As low as SR 16,800 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 1.5 Years

Delivery Mode: In-Person

Computer networks represent a field upon which the entire world economy is based. This multidisciplinary program is designed to equip students with advanced and working knowledge to succeed in the field of computer networks by acquiring valuable tools and skills in designing, managing, and securing computer networks. As the world is becoming digital, this discipline is skyrocketing in terms of demand in the job market, for both large and small business enterprises.

This program covers subjects related to wired and wireless networks, including network design and management, network security, internet of things, client server programming, and emerging technologies. A rich collection of specific topics is covered, including the fundamentals of networks (physical and data layers, switching, routing, transport, etc.), mobile computing and wireless networks (e.g. configurations, interference mitigation, wireless network architecture, multi-gigabit networks such as 5G/6G), network design (e.g. LANs, VLANs, InterVLAN routing, multicast listener discovery), and network programming. The programs also covers network management and security (cryptography, segmentation zones, secure protocols, firewall protocols, authentication and authorization, network management standards and applications, etc.), and wireless applications of internet of things (access technologies such as LoRaWAN, publish/subscribe messaging protocols such as MQTT and COAP, industrial access control for wireless sensors, etc.). A suite of emerging technologies in computer networks will also be covered.

Hosting department:
Computer Engineering
Program Requirement:
  • BSc in computer engineering, computer science, software engineering, electrical engineering, control and instrumentation system engineering or related fields
  • Knowledge in programming, mathematics, probability & statistics

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • COE 540: Computer Networks
  • COE 550: Introduction to Internet of Things
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • COE 546: Computer Network Design
  • COE 547: Network Management
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • COE 543: Mobile Computing and Wireless Networks
  • SEC 521: Network Security
  • COE 619: Project
semester 4 (Spring)
  • ICS 571: Client Server Programming
  • COE 557: Emerging Networks Technologies
  • COE 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 50,000 - As low as SR 12,000 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: HIVE (Hybrid Immersive Virtual Education)

The mission of the program is to prepare well-rounded and ethical professionals of the future with strong managerial, technical, and interpersonal skills, to serve the community and to improve existing processes, technologies, and tools for sustainable construction. The program draws on international best practices, industry partnerships, and the Saudi Vision to impart high-quality teaching of interdisciplinary curriculum and interdisciplinary research experience while aiming to prepare future leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs, with successful careers in the construction industry.

The program has been specifically designed for students and professionals who want to pursue a career and excel in the construction industry. The CEM program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) and Applied and Natural Science Accreditation Commission (ANSAC) of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). The program offers world class theoretical knowledge in construction engineering and management (CEM) that is combined with practical knowledge and professional practice. Students will be exposed to critical knowledge for leading each aspect of a construction project and a construction organization. Our program curriculum covers traditional yet critical areas which focus on management of cost, schedule, quality, safety, risks, and contracts for construction projects. Additionally, the curriculum has been carefully designed to accommodate the most cutting-edge science and developments in the domains of sustainability, innovation and automation, digital technologies, and modern project management in construction. The program also recognizes the need for the graduates to be knowledgeable about aspects of a construction business and the industry in general and therefore the designed curriculum covers breadth in construction law, ethics, economics, finance, accounting, and leadership.

Hosting department:
Architectural Engineering and Construction Management
Program Requirement:
  • Bachelor’s degree in engineering, architecture and other construction related disciplines from an accredited university.
  • Two years of experience is preferred

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • EM 502: Data Analytics for Decision Support Systems
  • CEM 513: Construction Productivity & Quality Management
  • CEM 547: BIM, Lean Construction and Building Information Modeling
  • CEM 510: Project Planning and Control
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • CEM 519: Sustainable Construction & Carbon Management
  • CEM 520: Construction Contracting and Leadership
  • CEM 521: Construction Engineering and Cost Estimation
  • CEM 619: Project
Semester 3 (Summer)
  • EM 573: Loss Prevention and Risk Management
  • CEM 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 70,000 - As low as SR 16,800 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 1 Year

Delivery Mode: In-Person

The field of cybersecurity is significantly evolving with a major gap for talents and required skills, both nationally and internationally. The Department of Information and Computer Science is glad to start a new Master of Cybersecurity program to cope with the increasing concerns and needs for competent professionals to address this fast-paced field of cybersecurity. The program is designed to offer a rich complementary curriculum of cybersecurity techniques, tools and technologies to provide graduates with skills needed to proficiently assess threats, analyze vulnerabilities, prevent cyberattacks, protect computer-based assets, ensure privacy, and manage and maintain secure infrastructure systems. Graduates will have attractive opportunities with competitive salaries in numerous jobs including application and system security analysts, consultants, policy makers, and managers.

The high demand of cybersecurity professionals on the job market is significant and growing. Cybersecurity professionals are expected to be very high, as these professionals will create innovative solutions to prevent hackers from stealing or causing problems to computer networks. The U.S. government’s Bureau of Labor and Statistics states (BLS) that the employment of Cybersecurity professionals is projected to grow 32% from 2018 to 2028, much faster than the average for all occupations. In addition, BLS also states that the average pay for Cybersecurity professionals is one of the highest pays among all occupations. An added value to Cybersecurity professionals is job satisfaction. Cybersecurity professionals make a significant contribution to the well-being of their workplace. These professionals are knowledgeable and skilled and understand the importance of securing data and technological systems in the workplace.

Hosting department:
Information & Computer Science
Program Requirement:
  • Applicants must have a bachelor's degree in computer science, software engineering, computer engineering, information technology, information systems, or a related discipline
  • Applicants with bachelor degrees outside the specified areas must demonstrate significant competence in computer programming, algorithms, computer systems, networking, and operating systems (through academic courses, professional certificates, or taking deficiency courses before joining the program)

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • SEC 511: Principles of Information Assurance & Security
  • SEC 540: Cryptography and Blockchain Applications
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • SEC 521: Network Security
  • SEC 542: Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • COE 526: Data Privacy
  • SEC 524: Computer & Network Forensics
  • SEC 619: Project
Semester 4 (Spring)
  • SWE 545: Secure Software Development
  • SEC 528: Security in Wireless Networks
  • SEC 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 70,000 - As low as SR 16,800 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: In-Person

This multidisciplinary program prepares professionals for a career in turning data into useful information, a discipline substantially demanded in the job market, as data is generated by the quintillion of bytes every day and is becoming a precious resource for nations’ advancement. Organizations increasingly heavily on sophisticated analytical tools to draw meaningful insights from data in order for their businesses to thrive.

This program focuses on the analysis and handling of data from multiple sources and for various applications in order to draw inferences from it. Topics include probability theory, inference, least-square and maximum likelihood estimation, forecasting, finding local and global optimal solutions (gradient descent, genetic algorithms, etc.), and generalized additive models. It also covers machine deep learning topics such as classification, conditional probability estimation, clustering, dimensionality reduction, and decision support systems. The program also covers big data analysis, including big data collection, preparation, preprocessing, warehousing, interactive visualization, analysis, scrubbing, mining, management, modeling, and tools such as Hadoop, Map-Reduce, Apache Spark, etc.

Hosting department:
Mathematics and Statistics
Program Requirement:
  • A four-year bachelor's or masters' degree (or equivalent) in Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science or any related area in Science and Engineering
  • Grades of at least B (or equivalent) in most Mathematics and Statistics courses
  • The admission process goes beyond meeting the minimum requirements. In particular, the list of courses offered at KFUPM which are equivalent to the required preparatory undergraduate instruction in calculus, linear algebra and programming are required to be eligible for admission.

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • MATH 503: Mathematics for Data Science
  • MATH 506: Fundamentals of Data Science
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • STAT 503: Probability and Statistics for Data Science
  • ICS 502: Machine Learning
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • ICS 504: Deep Learning
  • STAT 513: Statistical Modeling
  • MATH 619: Project
Semester 4 (Spring)
  • STAT 523: Forecasting Methods
  • ICS 574: Big Data Analytics
  • MATH 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 50,000 - As low as SR 12,000 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: In-Person

The Master of Engineering Program in Sustainable and Renewable Energy builds on the success of KFUPM's undergraduate education with its emphasis on research and study of advanced and specialized subjects. The general objective of the program is to prepare professionals and leaders with the skills required to address the challenges of transforming the Kingdom's electric energy sector into a highly efficient, reliable entity. The program graduates will have acquired state-of-the-art knowledge, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills to address the technical, economic and environmental issues in the design of renewable and sustainable energy systems. Moreover, the graduates will have attained the methodical attributes to operate, control, evaluate, and manage the renewable and sustainable energy systems of the future. Hence, they will advance and lead the Kingdom's renewable and sustainable electric energy sector into a highly efficient, reliable entity.

The general objective of the program is to prepare professionals and leaders with the knowledge, skills, and competence required to address the challenges of transforming the Kingdom's electric energy sector into a highly efficient, sustainable and reliable entity. The specific objectives are:

  • The graduates will have acquired state-of-the-art knowledge, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills to address the technical, economic and environmental issues in the design of renewable and sustainable energy systems.
  • The graduates will have attained the methodical attributes to operate, control, evaluate, and manage the renewable and sustainable energy systems of the future.
  • The graduates will advance and lead the Kingdom's renewable and sustainable electric energy sector into a highly efficient, reliable entity.

Hosting department:
Electrical Engineering
Program Requirement:
  • A Bachelor (B.Sc.) Degree in engineering from a recognized institution.
  • Passing an admission interview.

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • SEN 540: Electric Energy Systems
  • SEN 541: Sustainable and Renewable Energy Systems
  • SEN 542: Advanced Energy Conversion
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • SEN 543: Renewable Energy Integration
  • SEN 544: Solar Photovoltaic Systems
  • SEN 545: Energy Economics, Policies, and Regulations.
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • SEN XXX Elective 1
  • SEN 600: Sustainable and Renewable Energy Project
Semester 4 (Spring)
  • SEN XXX: Elective 2
  • SEN XXX: Elective 3

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: In-Person

The Engineering Management (EM) program is committed to educating and strengthening engineering management graduates’ knowledge and leadership to enable them to assume positions of increasing technical and managerial responsibility. The EM program is EAC-ABET accredited with strengths in the program’s curriculum as it integrates topics specific to internationally organized bodies of knowledge for engineering management, project management, supply chain management, sustainability management, engineering economic analysis, and quality and reliability management. The Master of Engineering Management program bridges the gap between academia, industry, and technology by providing students with the engineering management, leadership, technical, and managerial expertise skills needed to advance their careers.

The EM program allows engineers to integrate engineering and business aspects, which prepares the student to make the organization’s most effective use of its resources. It provides the most current management techniques for organizations and applies engineering skills to design effective systems and devise procedures to successfully operate these systems. The EM graduates harness knowledge and skills that effectively contribute to achieving the objectives of their organizations. It strengthens the student’s skills in different areas including project management, quality management, decision-making and analysis, leadership management, optimization, economics, business administration, data analytics, supply chain, maintenance, sustainability, etc.

The student should select one of the focus areas from the below list of elective courses to earn six (6) credit hours from the specified courses, or take two elective courses from business school.

Focus Areas:

  • Sourcing and supplier management

CEM 535 :Project Procurement and Quality Assurance

EM 530: Decision Analysis

  • Manufacturing Management

EM 570: Reliability and Maintenance Analysis

EM 585: Simulation for Operations Analysis

  • Process Safety

EM 565: Quality Engineering in process industries

EM 572: Process Safety and loss prevention Engineering

EM 575: Safety and Environment Management Systems

Hosting department:
Architectural Engineering and Construction Management
Program Requirement:
  • Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or equivalent from an accredited university.

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • EM 520: Quantitative Methods in EM
  • EM 510: Advanced Engineering Economics
  • EM 502: Data Analytics for Decision Support Systems
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • EM 515: Quality Management
  • EM 560: Manufacturing System and Supply Chain Design
  • EM 550: Engg. Project Management
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • EM 551: Project Leadership and Communication Management
  • EM 578: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Management
  • EM 599: Research Seminar
  • XXX 5XX: Elective I
Semester 4 (Spring)
  • EM 600: Master of Engineering report
  • XXX 5XX: Elective II

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 70,000 - As low as SR 16,800 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: In-Person

Unsustainable industrial and human activities are directly or indirectly negatively impacting the natural environment both on a local and global scale. Moreover, engineered environmental systems originally designed and built to handle anthropogenic contaminants are failing at an alarming rate, and it is only when the operators and designers of such systems are equipped with a good knowledge of the environmental systems that such a trend could be halted. To deal with such challenges, Saudi Arabia has launched mega sustainable projects to “Fix the Past” by cleaning and protecting the environment from pollution; “Deal with the Present” by controlling the generation of waste streams from various human and industrial activities; and “Plan for the Future” by protecting the three natural resources essential for all living things: water, air, and soil. Moreover, Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 adopts sustainability in everything the Kingdom does, from policy development and investment to planning and infrastructure while addressing climate challenges.

Given the exponential growth in the environmental sector across Saudi Arabia, the region, and worldwide, there is an urgent need for well-trained environmental scientists and engineers. This Master's program is designed to fill this gap in the job market by training students to develop the skills and ability to understand underlying principles and apply state-of-the-art tools for mapping, mitigating, and reducing the detrimental environmental and health impacts resulting from different kinds of pollution. Moreover, such training will be conducted in a multidisciplinary nature to provide unconventional solutions to pressing environmental issues using the underlying principles of science, engineering, economics, sustainability, and management. It will also provide much-needed knowledge of biological, chemical, and physical processes that are used to treat contamination which may exist in different states of matter. Graduates of this Master’s program will be well-equipped to attain or retain employment in governmental and private sectors which require candidates to apply knowledge in aspects related to environmental science and engineering.

Hosting department:
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Program Requirement:
  • B.Sc. degree in Engineering, Science, or Related Fields

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • Fundamentals of Environmental Science and Engineering
  • Modern Analytical Environmental Chemistry
  • Sustainability and Environmental Management
  • Environmental Data Analytics
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • ENVS 546: Environmental Impact Assessment
  • CHE 573: Process Air Pollution Control
  • Biological Environmental Processes
  • CE 619: Project
Semester 3 (Summer)
  • Physicochemical Environmental Processes
  • CE 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 50,000 - As low as SR 12,000 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 1 Year

Delivery Mode: In-Person

Facilities management is a profession that encompasses a variety of disciplines to ensure the functionality, comfort, safety and efficiency of the built environment, by integrating people, place, process and technology. This multidisciplinary program is designed to advance the careers of its candidates as facilities management professionals, considering the high standards of practice, and the utilization of the appropriate technologies. Such professionals are highly demanded in numerous sectors of the economy, to operate and manage the provision of support services in various organizations, through the knowledge and skills gained from the program.

This program prepares professionals from various engineering backgrounds to acquire knowledge on various facilities management functions. The program enables students to develop skills that effectively contribute to achieve the strategic objectives of their organizations. The program offers a wide selection of subjects. These were carefully selected to emphasize the professional development and competencies of the candidates, and satisfy the local as well as the global needs of the industry. Topics covered include essentials of facilities management (e.g. facilities planning, administration, business strategies, continuity, financial, space, quality, asset management, etc.), building performance and assessment, intelligent safety and security systems, real estate and property management, automated building operation and maintenance, smart and sustainable facilities, engineering project management, and financial accounting.

Hosting department:
Architectural Engineering and Construction Management
Program Requirement:
  • Bachelor Degree in Architecture, or Engineering discipline, from a recognized institution with a high academic reputation.
  • Holders of Business, Management or Science degrees, with Facilities Management Professional practice, may be admitted depending on their experiences.

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • ARE 550: Essentials of Facilities Management
  • ARE 551: Building Performance and Assessment
  • ARE 552: Intelligent Safety and Security Systems
  • ACCT 508: Financial Accounting
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • ARE 553: Real Estate and Property Management
  • ARE 554: Automated Building Operation and Maintenance
  • ARE 555: Smart and Sustainable Facilities
  • ARE619: Project
Semester 3 (Summer)_
  • EM 550: Engineering Project Management
  • ARE619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 70,000 - As low as SR 16,800 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 1 Year

Delivery Mode: In-Person

Flow of oil, gas, chemicals, and water, whether separately or multiphase, and whether downhole or on the surface, is a critical process in the oil and gas industry, and therefore flow assurance is a top priority. Challenges in flow assurance have significant impact on the cost, reliability, and safety of oil and gas operations, and have financial implications estimated at billions of dollars annually. This interdisciplinary program provides students with the advanced knowledge and essential skills in flow assurance that are highly sought after in the job market for career growth and professional impact.

This program provides students with the knowledge needed to understand and model the multiphase transport of fluids. It covers oilfield chemistry, multiphase flow (flow regime maps, concentration distributions, multiphase pipe systems design, etc.), natural gas hydrates (structure, stability, kinetic theories for hydrate nucleation, formation risk, prevention, etc.), surface production facilities (oil/water/gas facility design, production systems, computer simulation, etc.), and corrosion science and engineering (e.g. electrochemical thermodynamics and kinetics, inhibition, passivity, protection, pitting). The program also covers essential tools such as computational fluid dynamics (discretization, numerical approximations, finite difference, finite volume, etc.), modeling of petroleum and petrochemical fluids (characterization, phase behavior, retrograde condensation, solubility in polymers, etc.), and advanced engineering economics (e.g. inflation, depreciation, taxes, cost estimation, sensitivity analysis, risk and uncertainty, capital budgeting, multi-attribute decision making, advanced asset replacement analysis).

Hosting department:
Chemical Engineering
Program Requirement:
  • BSc in chemical engineering, petroleum engineering, mechanical engineering or equivalent

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • CHE 545: Corrosion Science and Engineering
  • CHE 565: Modeling of Petroleum and Petrochemical Fluids
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • PETE 530: Multiphase Flow
  • PETE 533: Surface Production Facilities
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • ME 505: Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • PETE 517: Fundamentals of Oilfield Chemistry
  • CHE 619: Project
Semester 4 (Spring)
  • SCE 543: Applied Artificial Intelligence in Condition based Maintenance
  • CHE 516: Fundamentals and Applications of Gas Hydrates
  • CHE 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 50,000 - As low as SR 12,000 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: In-Person

Cloud and high performance computing is one of the fastest growing computing areas, whose job market is growing rapidly across the globe. This interdisciplinary program is designed to equip students with the needed knowledge to design, build, operate, use, and maintain large systems designed for hosting cloud applications or running compute-intensive tasks for simulation and other purposes, as well as small computing modules designed to operate the edge of the network. This skill is highly demanded in numerous sectors: energy, healthcare, telecommunications, big data, e-commerce, defense, etc.

This program provides in-depth coverage of modern computing architectures and programming paradigms. Topics include parallel process architectures (parallel and pipelined dataflow, vectorization methods, interconnection, etc.), GPU architecture (functional units, CUDA, memory access coalescing, shared memory usage, etc.), distributed computing (threads, and abstraction, mutual exclusion, condition variables, atomic instructions, etc.), and quantum computing (qubits, entanglement, quantum protocols, quantum machine learning, etc.). The program also covers cloud and edge computing (cloud services, RESTful APIs, XaaS pyramid, serverless computing, cloud big data processing, etc.), parallel algorithms (divide-and-conquer, parallel prefix, pointer jumping, list ranking, Euler's path, ear decomposition, parallel complexity etc.), and big data analytics (smart clouds, machine learning and visualization of big data, privacy, etc.). Essential knowledge of linear algebra is also included (e.g. direct methods for large sparse linear systems, LU factorizations, regularization of ill-conditioned least squares problems).

Hosting department:
Computer Engineering
Program Requirement:
  • BSc in computer engineering, computer science, software engineering, electrical engineering or equivalent degrees.
  • Knowledge in programming and Data Structures/Computer Architecture/Linear Algebra.

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • COE 502: Parallel Processing Architectures
  • MATH 557: Applied Linear Algebra
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • COE 523: Distributed Computing
  • ICS 507: Design and Analysis of Parallel Algorithms
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • COE 548: Cloud-based Systems
  • COE 506: GPU Programing and Architecture
  • COE 619: Project
Semester 4 (Spring)
  • COE 558: Cloud and Edge Computing
  • ICS 574: Big Data Analytics
  • COE 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 50,000 - As low as SR 12,000 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: HIVE (Hybrid Immersive Virtual Education)

The Master in High-Performance Building Engineering (HPBE) program is intended to optimize building high performance in energy efficiency, environmental sustainability, occupant comfort, and operational performance. This program aligns with Saudi Arabia’s vision for a sustainable built environment and addresses the global need for professionals who can integrate sustainability principles into building design and operation. The curriculum combines international best practices and industry partnerships to provide a comprehensive education in the field.

Students in the HPBE program will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to become leaders in the field, focusing on areas such as energy efficiency, sustainable materials, occupant well-being, safety, and efficient building operations. The program emphasizes practical and industry-relevant skills, including MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing) systems, and incorporates advancements in sustainability, building technologies, economic viability, and automation. Graduates will also develop expertise in project management and an understanding of the construction industry, preparing them to drive innovation and sustainable development in the built environment.

Hosting department:
Architectural Engineering and Construction Management
Program Requirement:
  • Bachelor’s degree in engineering, architecture, and built-environment related disciplines from a reputed university.
  • Two years of experience is preferred

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • ARE 508: Building Physics & Green Design
  • ARE 504: Deep Renovation for HP Buildings
  • ARE 552: Safety, Ergonomics, and Risks Analytics
  • ARE 529: Indoor Environmental Quality
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • ARE 501: MEP Systems Engineering
  • ARE 537: Building Envelope Systems
  • ARE 533: Energy Modeling and Simulation
  • ARE 609: Research Project
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • EM 550: Engineering Project Management
  • ARE 609: Research Project

Duration: 1.5 Years

Delivery Mode: In-Person

This interdisciplinary program is designed to develop in-depth knowledge and advanced skills necessary to create the human resources leaders and specialists of the future – a highly sought after profession in the job market. It seeks to develop the student’s knowledge in foundational human resource theories and frameworks and enhance their ability to evaluate relevant problems, develop creative strategies and solutions, and ultimately drive the success of their organization through unlocking the full potential of its human talent.

This program covers all significant topics relevant to the management of human resources in organizations, including the four critical skills related to HR management in any organization: 1) HR planning (strategies, resource planning, alignment with corporate goals, etc.), 2) selection and recruitment (job design, recruitment strategies, employment assessment, deployment, etc.), 3) performance and compensation (performance metrics, appraisal, feedback, pay scales, incentive plans, etc.), and 4) HR development (identifying needs, delivering training, coaching and mentoring, learner engagement, etc.). The program also covers other aspects of HR management, including leadership and organizational behavior (motivation, conflict resolution, team dynamics, emotional intelligence, etc.), communication and negotiation (interpersonal communication, conducting interviews, two-party and team negotiations, etc.), and HR analytics (research design, quantitative and qualitative analyses, basics of artificial intelligence, etc.). The program also studies the Saudi labor laws, including contracts, allowances, dispute resolution, etc.

Hosting department:
Management & Marketing
Program Requirement:
  • A four-year Bachelor’s Degree (B.A., BBA, B.S., or B.E.) in business, engineering or science from an institution whose undergraduate programs are substantially equivalent in length, content, and quality to those of KFUPM, with a major in the proposed field or evidence of suitable background for entering the proposed field.
  • At least one letter of recommendation from the faculty who taught the applicant undergraduate courses and/or a senior officer under whom the applicant works or worked.
  • At least one course in college level statistics.
  • Working knowledge of computers as evidenced by at least one course in that area (e.g. data processing, programming, information systems, etc.)

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • MGT 512: Leadership and Organizational Behavior
  • HRM 520: Human Resource Planning and Management
  • HRM 522: Human Resource Research and Analytics
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • HRM 523: Human Resource Development
  • HRM 524: Recruitment and Selection
  • HRM 526: Labor Laws and Regulations
  • HRM 619: Project
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • HRM 521: Managerial Communication and Negotiation
  • HRM 525: Performance and Compensation Management
  • HRM 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 70,000 - As low as SR 16,800 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 1.5 Years

Delivery Mode: In-Person

This multidisciplinary program is at the heart of the petrochemical industry and advanced manufacturing. Understanding this topic is key to becoming a successful professional who understands how to effectively develop the right tools to maximize value in petrochemical, manufacturing, or synthesis plants and satisfy the current and future needs of the industry’s processes.

The program covers catalysis and its application in petrochemical industry. It provides the students with the knowledge to identify and apply various catalysts in the petrochemical industry. Topics include chemical kinetics and reaction mechanisms including methodology of mechanistic organic/inorganic chemistry, reactive intermediates, kinetics of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis. Furthermore, it also covers industrial catalysis with focus on the role of transition metals in catalytic processes, embracing the fundamentals of heterogeneous catalysis, including catalyst production and applications, shape selective catalysts, and the role of environmental catalysis in green chemistry. The program promotes interdisciplinary education where chemistry intersects with chemical engineering.

Hosting department:
Program Requirement:
  • BSc in chemistry, chemical engineering, or equivalent

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • CHEM 551: Catalysts Preparation and Characterizations
  • CHEM 552: Organometallic Catalysis
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • CHE 527: Petroleum Refining and Petrochemicals Processing
  • CHE 530: Advanced Reaction Engineering
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • CHEM 553: Catalyst Evaluation, Testing and Scale Up
  • CHEM 554: Kinetics of Catalytic Reactions. Concepts and Modeling
  • CHEM 619: Project
Semester 4 (Spring)
  • CHE 532: Heterogeneous Catalysis
  • CHEM 529: Catalysis in Polymerization
  • CHEM 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 50,000 - As low as SR 12,000 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: In-Person

The continued digitalization of the hydrocarbon industry requires engineers to integrate new technologies and emerging tools from various disciplines and applications. This program aims at addressing this need by equipping field and reservoir engineers with the necessary knowledge to adopt and use such advanced technologies and solutions for improved hydrocarbon monitoring, management, and production. In addition, many of skills acquired in this program are highly versatile and can be easily transferable to other industry applications such as advanced process control.

The program combines a carefully selected set of skills from different disciplines to equip the student with a solid foundation in Industry 4.0 topics and their applications in intelligent oil and gas field (i-field) management. Topics include the application of artificial intelligence for petroleum engineers and scientists (neural networks, fuzzy logic, clustering, etc.), digital communication (signal detection and enhancement, modulation, etc.), data science (handling, visualization, sampling, modeling, etc.), Cybersecurity of industrial control systems, advanced reservoir management (e.g. production optimization, project economics, from primary depletion to abandonment), smart well completion, and integrated downhole/surface reservoir monitoring and control (with computational reservoir models for optimized production control systems). The program also covers instrumentation and control network (e.g. SCADA, cluster tree and mesh networks, communication protocols, etc.), and big data analytics (smart clouds, machine learning and visualization of big data, privacy, etc.).

Hosting department:
Petroleum Engineering
Program Requirement:
  • BSc in engineering, geology, geophysics, or any relevant field

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • MATH 506: Fundamentals of Data Science
  • EE 572: Principles of Digital Communications
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • PETE 550: Smart Wells and Reservoir Monitoring
  • CPG 555: Artificial Intelligence for Petroleum Engineers & Geoscientists
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • SCE 545: Instrumentation and Control Network
  • PETE 552: Advanced Reservoir Management
  • PETE 619: Project
Semester 4 (Spring)
  • SCE 547: Cybersecurity of Industrial Control Systems
  • ICS 574: Big Data Analytics
  • PETE 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 50,000 - As low as SR 12,000 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: In-Person

Process control is the backbone of all industrial systems, from small plants to mega factories. Effectively controlling these processes is key for the success, reliability, and profitability of these industrial systems – a rapidly growing discipline that is highly sought in our expanding industrial infrastructure. This interdisciplinary program enables professionals from several engineering backgrounds to gain advanced knowledge and skills in process data collection and manipulation to extract intelligent information necessary for optimal decision making, including the use of digital twins in enhancing operation and control.

The program provides students with in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge in the development of intelligent process control – an interdisciplinary field that involves numerical disciplines in engineering, computing, and mathematics. The program covers intelligent process control fundamentals (network architecture, smart sensors, control structures, control loops, etc.), simulation of chemical processes (chemical plant modeling, sparse matrices, tearing, simulator construction, etc.), instrumentation and control networks (hierarchy, SCADA, DCS, industrial interfaces, communication protocol, CAN bus, ZigBee networks, etc.), intelligent decision support systems (decision theory, modeling, case-based reasoning, decision trees, knowledge representation, etc.), and optimal process control design (e.g. dynamic programming, reachability, trajectory optimization). The program also covers soft computing for identification (parametric, non-parametric, neural networks, fuzzy-neural models, etc.), cybersecurity of industrial control systems, and applied artificial intelligence in process control (e.g. fuzzy expert systems and hybrid intelligent controllers).

Hosting department:
Control & Instrumentation Engineering
Program Requirement:
  • The applicant should have an accredited bachelor's degree or its equivalent degree in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Control and Instrumentation System Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, or discipline relevant to the program content.
  • The applicant should demonstrate a prior background in a basic control theory like CISE 305 or EE 380 or ME 413 or CHE 401 or equivalent. Otherwise, he could be requested to take a related deficiency course.

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • SCE 520: Introduction to Intelligent Process Control
  • CHE 569: Simulation of Chemical Processes
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • SCE 545: Instrumentation and Control Network
  • ISE 528: Intelligent Decision Support Systems (IDSSs) for Process Control
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • SCE 566: Optimal and Learning-based Process Control Design
  • SCE 565: Soft Computing for Identification
  • SCE 619: Project
Semester 4 (Spring)
  • SCE 547: Cybersecurity of Industrial Control Systems
  • SCE 567: Applied AI in Process Control
  • SCE 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 50,000 - As low as SR 12,000 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: In-Person

Traffic Operation and Safety represent the lifeblood of any logistical system. By 2030, the Kingdom targets to reduce road accident fatalities, improve urban mobility, and reduce congestion. This interdisciplinary program provides students with the required knowledge and advanced skills to model, analyze, and design effective, technology-based solutions that would improve traffic safety, mobility systems, and transportation efficiency – thus launching their careers in this critically important discipline.

This program prepares professionals for a career in transportation engineering to provide and run efficient, economic, and safe transportation networks. Topics include traffic flow theory (macroscopic and microscopic flow, shock wave analysis, queuing theory, bottleneck analysis, etc.), geometric design of highways, traffic control and operation (signal theory, coordination, multimodal operation, roundabouts control, etc.), highway safety modeling (impact studies, auditing, traffic conflict analysis, etc.), intelligent transportation systems (connected vehicles, travel demand management, etc.), and human factors in traffic safety (e.g. vision processing). Advanced tools applied in this field will also be covered, such as data science and machine learning (e.g. neural networks, classification, vector machines).

Hosting department:
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Program Requirement:
  • BSc in engineering

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • CE 582: Traffic Flow Theory
  • CE 576: Geometric Design of Highways
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • CRP 505: Statistical Analysis in Planning
  • ICS 502: Machine Learning
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • CE 677: Traffic Control and Operation
  • CE 584: Intelligent Transportation System
  • CE 619: Project
Semester 4 (Spring)
  • CE 683: Highway Safety Analytics & Modeling
  • CE 585: Human factors in traffic Safety
  • CE 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 50,000 - As low as SR 12,000 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: In-Person

As the world is quickly turning digital, Internet of Things (IoT) is emerging as a key driver of the 4th industrial revolution and an indispensable tool in today’s economy, for both industrial and homes applications. This multidisciplinary program is designed to prepare professionals to master the quickly expanding field of IoT. It aims to ensure a comprehensive exposure and deep understanding of all elements of IoT, from embedded and real-time systems all the way to the cloud, in order for graduates to take full advantage of this rapidly growing job market.

This program provides a full coverage of all topics related to the Internet of Things (IoT), including smart systems (sensors and actuators, performance characteristics, feedback control, data acquisition, embedded systems, etc.), regular and industrial IoT (design and architecture, wireless personal area networks, low power wide area networks, machine-to-machine and machine to-cloud communication, process control systems, industrial control systems. cyber-physical systems, digital twins, etc.), and internet and cloud computing (data centers and cloud services, mobile and web applications, RESTful APIs, XaaS pyramid, etc.). The programs also covers embedded software engineering (embedded system architectures, programming and implementation guidelines, optimizing for memory and power, etc.), real-time systems (concurrency and timing, thread synchronization, inter-task communication, etc.). Moreover, the programs also covers IoT security (encryption, certificates, anonymity, blockchain and credential management systems, vulnerabilities, etc.), and big data analytics (smart clouds, machine learning and visualization of big data, privacy, etc.).

Hosting department:
Computer Engineering
Program Requirement:
  • BSc in computer engineering, computer science, software engineering, electrical engineering, control and instrumentation system engineering or related fields
  • Knowledge in programming/ mathematics / probability and statistics

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • COE 515: Introduction to Smart Systems
  • COE 550: Introduction to Internet of Things
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • SWE 555: Embedded Software Engineering
  • ICS 574: Big Data Analytics
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • COE 597: Real Time Systems
  • COE 558: Cloud and Edge Computing
  • COE 619: Project
Semester 4 (Spring)
  • SCE 548: Industrial Internet of Things
  • COE 516: Internet of Things Security
  • COE 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 50,000 - As low as SR 12,000 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: In-Person

This interdisciplinary program offers a mastery level knowledge and modern skills that are critical for keeping engineered systems and equipment up, safe, and well configured to achieve maximum performance, reliability, and utilization while minimizing failure, downtime, and cost. As plants and industrial systems are tuned for maximum performance, and many are mission-critical, the need for professionals well versed in the latest IR4.0 and digitalization technologies and who are knowledgeable in keeping these systems reliable is increasing rapidly.

The program will prepare professionals from various engineering background to develop proactive maintenance and reliability strategies that keep systems safe to operate with high availability and reliability. It covers maintenance management (strategy, forecasting, capacity planning, preventive, standards, auditing, etc.), advanced reliability (measures, reliability curve, assessment, failure analysis and prediction, reliability growth, etc.), maintenance data analytics (regression, association rules, clustering and classification, automated data mining, scheduling, etc.), and intelligent condition maintenance (e.g. residual lifecycle, condition monitoring and inspection, preventive maintenance decision optimization). The program also covers turnarounds (systems approach, phases, scoping, preparation, scheduling, execution, startup, etc.), optimization and simulation (mathematical models that include linear, nonlinear, and chance constrained programming and their application in various areas of maintenance), HSE systems (hazards, risks, risk management, environmental impact risk assessment, etc.), and life cycle costing (e.g. techniques, managing risk and uncertainty, depreciation, replacement, breakeven analysis).

Hosting department:
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Program Requirement:
  • BSc in engineering.
  • Student must have background in material science and mechanics.

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • ISE 510: Maintenance Systems Management
  • ISE 506: Advance Reliability Engineering
  • EM 575: Principles of Safety and Environment Management Systems
  • ME 577: Deformation, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • ISE 515: Optimization and Simulation of Maintenance Systems
  • SCE 543: Applied Artificial Intelligence in Condition based Maintenance
  • ISE 518: Data analytics for Reliability and Maintenance
  • ISE 619: Project
Semester 3 (Summer)
  • ISE 545: Turnaround and Shutdown Maintenance
  • ISE 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 50,000 - As low as SR 12,000 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 1 Year

Delivery Mode: In-Person

This multidisciplinary program prepares professionals to fully understand the science of materials and how this science can be used to engineer these materials. This is key to driving product innovation in all industries from aviation, medical equipment, and gadgets, all the way to environmentally friendly and biodegradable products.

This program focuses on the desire to increase in the mechanical and environmental longevity of components in manufacturing, with wide applicability to materials processing, oil and gas, and manufacturing industries. Topics include the structures and mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties of non-metallics, and the processing of ceramics, polymers, and composites. Students learn materials selection and design, mechanical design process, product shape, multiple constraints, conflicting objectives, hybrid materials, the impact of materials selection on the environment, composite materials and their application, fibers, matrices, etc. Topics also cover polymers (homogeneous and heterogeneous polymerization processes, engineering properties of polymers, etc.), and the failure of materials.

Hosting department:
Material Sciences and Engineering
Program Requirement:
  • BSc in materials science, chemistry, physics, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, industrial engineering, civil engineering, or equivalent

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • MSE 500: Survey of Materials Science and Engineering
  • EM 550: Engg. Project Management
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • ME 575: Advanced Corrosion Engineering
  • ME 577: Deformation, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • CHEM 560: Materials and Processes
  • CHE 543: Polymeric Materials
  • MSE 619: Project
Semester 4 (Spring)
  • ME 587: Additive Manufacturing Engineering
  • MSE 534: Engineering Composite Materials
  • MSE 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 50,000 - As low as SR 12,000 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: In-Person

This is an interdisciplinary program designed to provide knowledge and essential skills to solving real-world problems using computational tools, including modeling systems and phenomena and simulating them in order to fully optimize them. Graduates of this discipline are highly demanded in both business and industry, as these sectors seek to become more effectives and successful in their operations.

This program focuses on developing models to understand the inherent structure of the data. Topics include probability theory, inference, least-square estimation, interpolations, adaptive approximations, numerical differentiation and integration, quadrature, multistep methods, finite difference, and applications to steady-state and time-dependent problems involving initial-value and boundary-value problems. The program also covers simulation, in terms of queuing systems, stochastic processes, random number generation, numerical methods, and software techniques for building simulators. The inverse problem is also covered, whose methods describe identifying the parameters and structures of models that give rise to the recorded observation, an essential tool to understanding physical phenomena.

Hosting department:
Mathematics and Statistics
Program Requirement:
  • A four-year bachelor's or masters' degree (or equivalent) in Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science or any related area in Science and Engineering
  • Grades of at least B (or equivalent) in most Mathematics and Statistics courses
  • Required preparatory courses include undergraduate courses in calculus, linear algebra, probability and statistics, differential equations, numerical methods, and programming
  • The admission process goes beyond meeting the minimum requirements
  • The list of courses, offered at KFUPM, which are equivalent to the required preparatory undergraduate instruction in calculus, linear algebra, probability and statistics, differential equations, numerical methods, and programming are given below for each program: Math 101, Math 102, Math 201, Math 202, Math 225, Math 333, Math 371, Stat 201, 212, 214, or 319, ICS 104

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • ICS 502: Machine Learning
  • MATH 557: Applied Linear Algebra
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • ICS 574: Big Data Analytics
  • MATH 576: Applied Numerical Methods I
Semester 4 (Spring)
  • COE 588: Modeling and Simulation of Computer and networks Systems
  • MATH 585: Computational Inverse Problem
  • MATH 619: Project
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • PETE 547: Computational Multiphysics Modeling
  • MATH 578: Applied Numerical Methods II
  • MATH 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 50,000 - As low as SR 12,000 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: HIVE (Hybrid Immersive Virtual Education)

The Master in Nonprofit Management program seeks to graduate participants with knowledge, skills, and values to create and manage nonprofit and voluntary organizations and support the voluntary sector to contribute to Saudi Arabian economy and society.

This program, founded by KFUPM Business School and Alfozan Academy, is conducted in collaboration with Indiana University, a leading university in philanthropic studies to ensure effective dissemination of knowledge and proper transfer of skills and expertise will give participant’s the opportunity to gain  a Master of Arts in Philanthropic studies from Indiana University in addition to a Master of Nonprofit Management from KFUPM.

Courses for this program have been carefully curated to provide a holistic approach in managing nonprofits. Some specialized courses are co-taught by faulty from both Indiana University – Lilly Family School of Philanthropy and KFUPM Business School providing an enriching experience to candidates. What sets this program apart is the opportunity to study in both Saudi Arabia and the USA, where students undergo a semester of studies at Indiana University as part of the wider learning experience. The experiential learning journey enables candidates to put theory into practice with the support of our Founding partner, Alfozan Academy.

Hosting department:
KFUPM Business School
Program Requirement:
  • At least one year of full-time or two years of part-time work experience in the non-profit sector.
  • Any four-year or more bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution/university.
  • A Grade-Point Average (GPA) of at least 3.0 on a scale of 4.0 or equivalent. Official transcripts and degree certificates are required.
  • TOEFL iBT or IELTS scores of 79/6.5, or hold a bachelor’s degree from a predominantly English-speaking country, will be exempted from any further requirements related to English proficiency
  • 3 recommendation letters from people who can assess the knowledge and study skills of the applicant(faculty, employer/supervisor, etc.).
  • Personal statement of educational objectives (maximum one page) using a reasonable font size.
  • Pass the admission Interview.
  • Students receiving preliminary acceptance in the MNPM program by KFUPM, must also apply and be accepted at Indiana University to be fully admitted into the program.
  • Ability to get the USA VISA (maximum during the 1st semester) and commitment to dedicate a complete semester for travel to Indiana University (2nd semester of the program). Failure to travel for any reason will lead to dismissal from the program - students will be required sign an agreement of commitment.
  • To start the program, applicants are expected to be accepted in both collaborating Institutions of the program (KFUPM and IU), and awarded one of the scholarships*, or secure a sponsorship. *Scholarships: Merit-based scholarships are available for successful applicants.

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • FIN 554: Managerial Finance
  • MGT 551: Behavior & Organization
  • OM 552: Operations Management
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • NPM 530: Nonprofit Economy and Public Policy
  • NPM 515: History of Philanthropy
  • NPM 590: Internship/ Directed off-Site Study
Semester 4 (Spring)
  • NPM 590: Internship/ Directed off-Site Study
  • NPM 535: Laws of Nonprofit Organizations
  • NPM 524: Civil Society in Comparative Perspective
Semester 2 (Spring) (Hosted at IU, USA)
  • NPM 558: Principles and Practices of Fundraising
  • NPM 556: Grant Making and the Role of Foundations
  • NPM 532: Applying Ethics in Philanthropy
  • NPM 521: Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: In-Person

This multidisciplinary program prepares professionals and students from various backgrounds to learn how to manage and operate nuclear power plants. Topics include background material in Nuclear Energy, Material Science, and Principles of Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics, in addition to advanced topics on the Engineering and Physics of Nuclear Reactors, Nuclear Materials, and Safety and Operation of Nuclear Power Plants. The program also includes a project where students can apply various topics learned from the courses to a practical problem that relates to the nuclear industry. The program is designed to serve both as a bridge-program for professionals wishing to switch careers from their area of expertise to Nuclear Engineering, as well as fresh graduates who wish to become nuclear engineers. Nuclear engineering background is dearly needed, especially as the Kingdom has announced plans to introduce nuclear power technology with the first two reactors currently under the site qualification stage. While these plants will be based on foreign technology and built by a consortium of international companies, the long-term sustainability of this program, including governance and plant operation, will depend crucially on the development of an indigenous workforce possessing adequate knowledge of the science and technology of nuclear power plants.

Hosting department:
Mechanical Engineering
Program Requirement:
  • BSc in materials science, chemistry, physics, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, industrial engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, petroleum engineering, or equivalent

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • ME 504: Nuclear Energy
  • ME 521: Principles of Nuclear thermal-hydraulics
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • ME 522: Nuclear reactors and fuel cycle
  • MSE 500: Survey of Materials Science and Engineering
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • MSE 510: Nuclear Power Plant Materials
  • PHYS 525: Physics of nuclear fission and fusion
  • ME 619: Project
Semester 4 (Spring)
  • CHE 538: Operation and safety of nuclear power plants
  • ME 507: Reactor core thermal-hydraulics
  • ME 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 50,000 - As low as SR 12,000 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 2 Year

Delivery Mode: In-Person

The world is increasingly moving to using conventional energy sources as feedstock to petrochemical materials, rather than just burning them as fuels. This multidisciplinary program prepares professionals for this highly demanded sector, especially with the rapid growth of petrochemical industries in the region.

This is a specialized program that provides a thorough understanding of the direct and indirect routes for converting oils to chemicals, macular theories of adsorption and catalysis, type of polymerization reaction, and the principle of material processing with focus on polymers. The program also covers industrial fluidized bed reactors coupled with risk assessment methods, performance assessment, human reliability modeling, and SHARP method with quantitative models. Crude oil characterization and PVT analysis, asphaltene instability, and hydrate formation are discussed as well. Other topics include key concepts on sequential modular and equation-oriented simulators, construction and convergence of petrochemical processes, tearing and convergence algorithms.

Hosting department:
Chemical Engineering
Program Requirement:
  • BSc in chemical engineering, process engineering, or equivalent

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • CHE 555: Industrial Fluidized Bed Chemical Reactor Design
  • CHE 532: Heterogeneous Catalysis
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • CHEM 537: Polymer Synthesis
  • CHE 541: Polymer Processing
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • CHE 528: Crude Oil to Chemicals
  • CHE 565: Modeling of Petroleum and Petrochemical Fluids
  • CHE 619: Project
Semester 4 (Spring)
  • CHE 568: Petrochemical Processes Design & Simulation
  • CHE 558: Quantitative Process Risk Analysis
  • CHE 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 50,000 - As low as SR 12,000 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: In-Person

This multidisciplinary program provides students with modern knowledge and practical experience in polymer chemistry and engineering, a profession prized in the job market as the world is shifting from using hydrocarbons not only as fuels, but also into using them in the petrochemical industry and non-metallics, as well as from commodity to specialty chemicals.

This program includes the synthesis, characterization, and applications of various polymeric materials. Topics include polymerization reactions, polymerization techniques (step-growth, radical, ionic, ring-opening, transition metal catalysts), complex coordination polymerization, copolymerization, and addition polymerization using anionic, cationic, and radical processes. Other topics include polymer kinetics, stereochemistry, structure, and structure-property relationships, as well as polymer characterization, processing, rheology, homogeneous and heterogeneous polymerization processes, specialty polymers, industrial reactions of polymers, as well as the applications of polymeric materials in the oil and gas industry. In addition, the sustainability and degradation of polymers are also discussed.

Hosting department:
Program Requirement:
  • Bachelor's degree in chemistry, chemical engineering, or mechanical engineering from an accredited institution. Students with BS in physical science or engineering who completed coursework equivalent to at least a minor in Chemistry (18 credit hours) or coursework equivalent to the polymer science and technology concentration at KFUPM are accepted.

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • CHEM 529: Catalysis in Polymerization
  • CHEM 537: Polymer Synthesis
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • CHEM 630: Physical Chemistry and Characterization of Polymers
  • CHE 540: Applied Polymer Rheology
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • CHEM 530: Polymeric Materials in Oil and Gas Industries
  • ME 578: Mechanical Properties of Engineering Polymers
  • CHEM 619: Project
Semester 4 (Spring)
  • CHEM 531: Functional Polymers
  • CHE 541: Polymer Processing
  • CHEM 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 50,000 - As low as SR 12,000 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: In-Person

The current job market in Saudi Arabia shows a higher demand for safety related positions over
general chemical roles. It indicates a robust emphasis on process safety aspects within the industry.
This trend highlights the importance of process safety education and the potential for growth in this sector.

Program objective: Cultivate leaders in advanced process safety to elevate Saudi Arabia's industry standards.

Learning outcomes
1. Understand core competencies in process safety
2. Examine and select safety performance to enhance analytical and predictive capabilities
3. Execute practical and innovative approaches in Quantitative Risk Analysis
4. Demonstrate risk based decision making

Hosting department:
Chemical Engineering
Program Requirement:
  • BSc in Engineering or in Science with relevant industrial experiences

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • CHE 581: Process Safety Engineering
  • ISE 581: Human Factors in Safety Management
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • CHE 583: Process Hazard Analysis and Incident Investigation
  • CHE 584: Fire and Toxic Release Analysis
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • CHE 582: Occupational Safety Management
  • CHE 585: Quantitative Risks Analysis in Process Safety
  • CHE 619: Project
semester 4 (Spring)
  • CHE 586: Active Safeguard Design
  • ISE 582: Safety Economics and Decision Making
  • CHE 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 70,000 - As low as SR 16,800 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: In-Person

Everything starts with a project. Oftentimes the success of th entire organization hinges on the successful planning and execution of its project, wither in construction, energy, IT, or other sectors. This interdisciplinary program prepares students with the proper tools, cutting-edge research, and knowledge needed to effectively manage complex projects, thus launching or boosting their careers in this critically important phase of companies in a plethora of sectors, and facilitating their participation in this quickly growing job segment.

The program exposes students to a wide of subjects that are imperative for daily practices in project management. The programs covers project management fundamentals (planning, scheduling, critical path method, project evaluation, critical chain, etc.), project leadership (communication, stakeholder management, stakeholder identification, conflict resolution techniques, etc.), project procurement and quality assurance (procurement planning, make-or-buy, negotiations, contract types, incentives, quality standards, etc.), and loss prevention (e.g. risk management, job safety analysis, protective equipment, environmental hazards).

The programs also covers global project management (the tools and techniques that, when effectively used to manage a set of interdependent projects as a single program, result in improved performance), and equips the students with relevant technical tools, such as data science (handling, visualization, sampling, modeling, etc.) and managerial finance (e.g. risk and return, pricing, capital budgeting, firm valuation, capital structure, payout policy, leasing).

Hosting department:
Architectural Engineering and Construction Management
Program Requirement:
  • BSc in architecture, computer science, or engineering

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • EM 550: Engg. Project Management
  • EM 573: Loss Prevention and Risk Management
  • CEM 535: Project Procurement and Quality Assurance
  • ACCT 508: Financial Accounting
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • EM 569: Computers Applications in Project Management
  • EM 551: Project Leadership and Communication Management
  • CEM 523: Portfolio and Global Projects Management
  • EM 619: Project
Semester 3 (Summer)
  • EM 554: Agile project Management
  • EM 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 70,000 - As low as SR 16,800 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 1 Year

Delivery Mode: In-Person

This program is designed to equip graduates with the cutting-edge tools. The program provides strong quantitative and analytical skills applied to real-world financial problems and to thrive in today’s dynamic and ever-evolving financial landscape. The revised Masters in Quantitative Finance program shifted its focus from the heavy math and statistics courses to a more practical business and finance orientation.

The demand for graduates with a Master of Quantitative Finance degree is driven by the increasing complexity of financial markets and the growing use of quantitative methods in finance. Graduates with Master of Quantitative Finance degree are highly sought after by financial institutions of all types, including banks, hedge funds, asset management firms, and insurance companies.

Hosting department:
Accounting & Finance
Program Requirement:
  • Applicants should have a passing grade in at least one statistics course and one calculus course.
  • No GRE or GMAT is required.
  • A working knowledge of computers as evidenced by at least one course in that area (e.g., data processing, programming, information systems, etc.).

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • FIN 511: Corporate Finance: Theory & Practice
  • STAT 516: Stochastic Process in Finance
  • ECON 513: Financial Economics
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • FIN 524: Financial Derivatives and Risk Management
  • FIN 540: Financial Markets and investment Theory
  • FIN 545: Financial Econometrics and Inference
  • FIN 619: Project
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • MIS 517: Artificial Intelligence for Business
  • FIN 527: Fixed Income Securities
  • FIN 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 50,000 - As low as SR 12,000 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 1.5 Years

Delivery Mode: In-Person

This multidisciplinary program delves into the next generation of computing, which will take compute power and the ability to solve extremely complex problems, whether in medicine, modeling, or telecommunication to the next level, and is therefore demanded by many employers in these and other sectors.

The program covers quantum theory and how it is applied in the fields of computing and communication. It covers the concepts of qubits, superposition, entanglement, quantum gates, and quantum algorithms in order to understand the difference between classical and quantum computing. Other topics include quantum electrodynamics, including cavity and circuit qubits, quantum superconductivity, non-linear harmonic oscillators, etc. Students are introduced to quantum computing concepts such as quantum hardware, processors, circuits, instruction sets, quantum programming languages, quantum error correction, algorithms, and quantum cryptography. Students learn how to design, simulate, and test the core parts of a superconducting Qubit.

Hosting department:
Computer Engineering
Program Requirement:
  • 4-year B.Sc. or equivalent degree in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Physics, Chemistry or, Math.
  • Basics of Computer Programming.
  • Basics of Linear Algebra.

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • ICS 560: Foundations of Quantum Computing
  • PHYS 512: Introduction to Quantum Information and Computing
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • COE 530: Quantum Computer and Architecture
  • PHYS 514: Quantum Hardware
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • ICS 561: Quantum Algorithms
  • COE 531: Quantum Communication
  • COE 619: Project
Semester 4 (Spring)
  • COE 532: Emerging Topics in Quantum Computing
  • COE 619: Project
  • ICS 562: Quantum Cryptography

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 50,000 - As low as SR 12,000 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: HIVE (Hybrid Immersive Virtual Education)

This program offers geoscientists and engineers an interdisciplinary specialization and advanced skills in reservoir characterization. This program integrates geology, geophysics, petroleum engineering, environmental sciences, advanced numerical models, uncertainty analysis, stochastic modeling, artificial intelligence, and economic analysis. It allows students to advance their careers by acquiring in-depth knowledge of this critically important phase of reservoir development.

Hosting department:
Petroleum Engineering
Program Requirement:

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • GEOL 505: Basin and Petroleum System Modeling
  • GEOL 519: Reservoir Geology
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • GEOL 690: Petrophysics and Well Log Interpretation
  • CPG 555: Artificial Intelligence for Petroleum Engineers & Geoscientists
  • GEOP 619: Project
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • PETE 552: Advanced Reservoir Management
  • GEOP 521: Reservoir Imaging I
  • GEOP 619: Project
semester 4 (Spring)
  • GEOP 522: Reservoir Imaging II
  • GEOP 523: Geostatistical Reservoir Modeling
  • GEOP 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 50,000 - As low as SR 12,000 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: In-Person

This multidisciplinary program brings together students from various engineering backgrounds and equips them with the necessary education to lead a successful career in this quickly rising discipline. Robots are becoming ubiquitous, from medical robotic surgeries all the way to warehouse management and package delivery, as well as the maintenance and operations of manufacturing plants. They touch all aspects of our lives.

The program covers subjects related to mechatronics, robotics, and UAVs (drones). Students develop the skills required to understand, design, and implement smart systems and robots to solve engineering problems. Topics include artificial intelligence, machine learning, the fundamentals of autonomous system (including sensing, reasoning, and acting). Also, it covers robotics-specific topics such as power sources, machine vision, actuation (e.g. linear actuators and electric motors), manipulation, locomotion (walking, rolling, climbing, etc.), environmental navigation, and human-robot interaction (including speech recognition and gestures). Applications are wide-ranging, and include industrial robots, as well as those used in the military, construction, agriculture, and in medical fields.

Hosting department:
Control & Instrumentation Engineering
Program Requirement:
  • BSc in computer science or engineering, control and instrumentation engineering, industrial and systems engineering, mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, mechatronic engineering, electrical/electronic engineering, mathematics, or equivalent.

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • AE 581: Introduction to Robotics & Autonomous Systems
  • COE 510: Programming Methods for Robotics
  • COE 512: Sensing and Actuation for Intelligent Robots
  • ICS 520: Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning for Robotics
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • SCE 575: Applied Control for Robotic Systems
  • SCE 576: Path Planning and Navigation for Mobile Robot
  • COE 511: Multi-agent Robotic Networks
  • SCE 619: Project
Semester 3 (Summer)
  • SCE 578: Human Robot Interaction
  • SCE 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 50,000 - As low as SR 12,000 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 1 Year

Delivery Mode: In-Person

Cities and communities around the world face many complex challenges to secure their future energy, mobility, health, and environmental needs in a sustainable manner. Smart advanced technologies and engineering solutions will play a pivotal role in providing key answers to these challenges. This interdisciplinary program offers advanced knowledge and skills to develop and deploy such technologies and solutions that enable urban planning professionals and leaders to effectively design, build, and manage the sustainable and smart cities of the future.

This program provides a wide range of subjects covering fundamentals of smart sustainable cities. It covers the fundamentals (land use, energy systems, mobility modes, infrastructure systems, etc.), sustainable urban development (transportation, water, energy social infrastructure, etc.), sustainable neighborhoods (sensitive site design, ecology conservation, biodiversity, mixed use development, walkability, etc.), and intelligent transportation systems (e.g. connected vehicles, travel demand management).

The program also equips the student with the necessary tools to become effective in this field, such as urban sustainability planning methods (decision theory, data classification, statistical sampling, hypothesis testing, etc.), environmental economics (market failure, externality, common and public goods, economic environmental valuation, circular economy, etc.), urban informatics (remote sensing, spatial data structures, global GIS databases, photogrammetric systems, space borne sensors, etc.), and big data analytics (e.g. smart clouds, machine learning and visualization of big data, privacy).

Hosting department:
Architecture and City Design
Program Requirement:
  • BSc in city (or urban) planning, architecture, architectural engineering, or civil engineering.
  • Holders of other degrees such as Control and Instrumentation Systems Engineering, computer science, computer engineering, economics, management, management Information systems, geography, and other related fields may be admitted depending on their work experiences, statement of purpose and backgrounds.

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • CRP 580: Fundamentals of Smart and Sustainable Cities
  • CRP 581: Environmental Economics and Sustainability
  • CRP 582: Quantitative Methods
  • ICS 574: Big Data Analytics
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • CE 584: Intelligent Transportation System
  • CRP 583: Urban Informatics
  • ARC 514: Sustainable Neighborhood and Urbanism
  • CRP 619: Project
Semester 3 (Summer)
  • CRP 584: Sustainable Infrastructure and Renewable Energy
  • CRP 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 50,000 - As low as SR 12,000 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 1 Year

Delivery Mode: In-Person

This interdisciplinary program provides students with the skills and competence necessary for managing global supply chains, and paves the way for further professional certification in this field. It is one of the most sought after career advancement tracks, as supply chain management has become an essential component of the success of many businesses, not just globally (Amazon, Alibaba, etc.), but also locally.

This program covers the systematic and strategic coordination management for supplying goods and services required by the end customer. Topics include supply chain strategies, drivers, transportation, sourcing, distribution networks, global networks, sustainability, and procurement (supplier management purchasing, policies, procedures, global sourcing, cost management, negotiation, etc.). Other topics cover logistics, including lean systems, market distribution, manufacturing, production forecasting, inventory control, optimization, warehouse management, deterministic and stochastic inventory systems, capacity planning, and material requirement planning. Students are equipped with the skills to manage and run effective and efficient supply chain businesses.

Hosting department:
Information Systems & Operations Management
Program Requirement:
  • BSc business, engineering, science, or related fields.
  • At least one course in college level Calculus that covers both differentiation and integration topics.
  • At least one course in college level Statistics.
  • A working knowledge of computers as evidenced by at least one course in that area (e.g., data processing, programming, information systems, etc.).

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • OM 511: Management Science
  • OM 514: Supply Chain Inventory Management
  • OM 530: Supply Chain Management
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • OM 531: Strategic Sourcing and Procure
  • ISE 530: Quality Management in Supply Chain Systems
  • ISE 550: Logistics Management
  • OM 619: Project
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • OM 532: ERP for Supply Chains
  • OM 545: Supply Chain Strategy & Sustainability
  • OM 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 70,000 - As low as SR 16,800 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 1.5 Years

Delivery Mode: In-Person

This interdisciplinary program is designed to develop in-depth knowledge and advanced skills necessary to prepare professionals and specialists in the field of sustainability and environmental management. The program will provide comprehensive and deep knowledge to prepare students to look at the broad environmental implications of the human activities, to be environmentally responsible in the use of materials, and be efficient in the use of natural resources. The program focuses on the environmental, technological, sustainable issues associated with environmental management and sustainability that face organizations. It offers insight into the causes and solutions to a range of environmental issues and will help students to evaluate environmental constraints and opportunities facing a variety of institutions and acquire the skills required to implement sustainable policies.

This program prepares professionals from various disciplines to acquire knowledge on various sustainability and environmental management functions. It covers subjects related sustainability and environmental management, including circular economy, environmental sustainability principles, climate change effects and sustainable adaptation, sustainable infrastructure and renewable energy, environmental impact assessment, data analytics for decision support systems, greenhouse gas emissions management, and project leadership and communications management.

Hosting department:
Architectural Engineering and Construction Management
Program Requirement:
  • Bachelor Degree in engineering, business, science or any relevant field, from a recognized institution.

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • MSE 509: Circular Materials Economy
  • EM 545: Environmental Sustainability Principles
  • CE 528: Climate Change Effects and Sustainable Adaptation
  • EM 578: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Management
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • ENVS 546: Environmental Impact Assessment
  • EM 502: Data Analytics for Decision Support Systems
  • CRP 584: Sustainable Infrastructure and Renewable Energy
  • EM 619: Project
Semester 3 (Summer)
  • EM 551: Project Leadership and Communications Management
  • EM 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 70,000 - As low as SR 16,800 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 1 Year

Delivery Mode: In-Person

This multidisciplinary program equips professionals with the knowledge required to address the challenges of transforming the energy sector into a highly efficient and reliable one, focusing on two complimentary sectors that are highly prized in the job market, which are the sustainable use of conventional energy and the rapid rise of renewables.

This program covers various renewable energy technologies, including solar (photovoltaic and concentrated solar power), wind, hydrogen, geothermal, and waste-to-energy systems, as well as energy storage options such as electrical (e.g., batteries and super capacitors), fuel cells, and thermal storage. Students understand the components of renewable energy systems at and their performance and study the integration of renewable systems with storage and conventional systems. The program also covers sustainable energy systems (including energy outlook and the environment, global warming, and techno-economic analysis).

Hosting department:
Electrical Engineering
Program Requirement:
  • BSc in engineering or Physics

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • EE 580: Sustainable & Renewable Energy Systems
  • EE 583: Energy Storage & Hydrogen Sys
  • ME 539: Solar Energy Utilization
  • ARE 549: Sustainable Built Environment
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • EE 582: Solar Photovoltaic Systems
  • ME 526: Wind Energy
  • ECON 575: Energy Markets, Policies and Regulations
  • EE 619: Project
Semester 3 (Summer)
  • EE 581: Renewable Energy Integration
  • EE 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 70,000 - As low as SR 16,800 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 1 Year

Delivery Mode: In-Person

Maximizing economic production of unconventional resources is a critical objective of the oil and gas industry. Specializing in this rapidly growing topic is key to becoming a successful professional in this global field. This multidisciplinary program helps engineers and geoscientists master the fundamentals of unconventional resources from different perspectives and provides them with the advanced technical tools to manage them effectively. It also bridges the gap between the subsurface of the unconventional resources and hydrocarbon production.

In this program, students will learn advanced, multidisciplinary methods in evaluating and producing unconventional hydrocarbon resources. This includes the engineering (single-well performance forecasting, flow in ultralow permeability reservoirs, hydraulic fracturing and their clusters, etc.), geomechanics and petrophysics (e.g. boreholes tresses, instability, sand production, etc.), reserves estimation and whole-reservoir production forecasting at a level required to act as a reserves estimator, and advanced topics such as depositional settings and heterogeneity of unconventional reservoirs. The program devotes time to dive into hydraulic fracturing (e.g. 2D and P3D fracture design, fracture chemistry, diagnostics, etc.), and also covers natural gas engineering, production optimization, well completion parameters, artificial lift systems, and underground gas storage. The program also covers Uncertainty quantification, including statistical methods that address the modeling, assessment, propagation, and management of uncertainties (stochastic modeling, Monte Carlo methods, etc.).

Hosting department:
Petroleum Engineering
Program Requirement:
  • BSc in petroleum engineering, geology, geophysics, chemical engineering, or any relevant field.
  • BSc in physical science / engineering with relevant experience.

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • GEOL 539: Advanced Unconventional Petroleum Systems
  • PETE 521: Engineering and Development of Unconventional Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • PETE 522: Geomechanics and Petrophysics of Unconventional Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
  • PETE 555: Reserve Estimation and Production Forecasting of Unconventional Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • PETE 544: Natural Gas Engineering
  • PETE 637: Applied Hydraulic Fracturing
  • PETE 619: Project
Semester 4 (Spring)
  • PETE 535: Production Optimization of Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resources
  • PETE 656: Uncertainty Quantification in Engineering
  • PETE 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 50,000 - As low as SR 12,000 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: In-Person

MX in Unmanned Aircraft Systems program is developed for industry professionals in drones and related applications to level up their knowledge, skills and expertise, so that they can efficiently utilize unmanned aircraft systems technology for higher productivity. Unmanned Aircraft Systems is a relatively new, multidisciplinary and rapidly expanding field, and, a huge part of the worldwide integration and digitalization of technology and economy. All major sectors in the industry possess sophisticated drones and related technologies thus require professionals equipped with competencies and expertise to plan, manage, operate the drones for current and future industry requirements.

The mission of the program is to provide students the skills and knowledge needed to design and utilize sophisticated unmanned aircraft systems through courses on technology, applications related expertise and advanced analytical skills, so that they can provide solutions to relevant industries and are future ready for drones industry. For this purpose, program includes courses on design and integration, complemented with various courses aimed at understanding, improving, and applying advanced UAS technology. The program also includes coverage for technologies and techniques required for UAS based applications such as sensing, navigation, monitoring and surveillance and coordinated maneuvering for aerial robotic applications. Graduates of the MX in UAS will be qualified to join any sector that is devoted to developing and providing industrial solutions based on drones.

Hosting department:
Aerospace Engineering
Program Requirement:
  • BS in Engineering from an accredited university OR
  • BS in Sciences discipline from an accredited university with relevant background and prior experience.

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • ICS 520: Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning for Robotics
  • AE 575 : Introduction to Unmanned Aircraft Flight
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • SCE 576: Path Planning and Navigation for Mobile Robot
  • AE 576 : UAS Design & Technology
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • ISE 518: Data analytics for Reliability and Maintenance
  • COE 512: Sensing and Actuation for Intelligent Robots
  • AE 619 : Project
Semester 4 (Spring)
  • AE 577 : Digital Techniques for UAS Applications
  • AE 578 : Future Trends in Drones and Applications
  • AE 619 : Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 50,000 - As low as SR 12,000 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: In-Person

Visual computing is an emerging field that combines computer graphics, computer vision and virtual reality to advance cutting-edge methodologies for the acquisition, processing, manipulation and rendering of visual content. This multidisciplinary program is designed to provide students with the knowledge and technological skills to understand and develop sophisticated problem solutions in innovative-driven industries such as entertainment, medicine, robotics, criminology and security, Computer Aided Design (CAD) or machine vision.

This program enables scientists and engineers in the areas of computer vision and computer graphics (CG) to expand their skills in the application of both traditional and cutting-edge techniques. Topics include computer vision (image representation, filtering, classification, segmentation, feature detection, motion estimation, etc.), CG imaging (light, colors, shading, ray tracing, texture mapping, bump mapping, anti-aliasing, etc.), CG modeling (parametric and implicit curves and surfaces, meshes, point clouds, etc.), CG animation (shape and motion modeling, rigid bodies, deformable objects, fluids, interactive dynamic animations, etc.). The program also covers visual computing mathematics (e.g. discrete and continuous differential geometry of curves and surfaces and geometry processing on meshes), deep learning for computer vision (e.g. using machine learning for object detection and recognition, convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, supervised and unsupervised learning, and deep neural generative models for 3D geometry), and interactive CG (e.g. virtual objects, images, worlds, and environments, immersive vs non-immersive VR, 3D interface design).

Hosting department:
Information & Computer Science
Program Requirement:
  • Four-year bachelor's or masters' degree (or equivalent) in Computing (Computer Science / Software Engineering) or Engineering.
  • Grades of at least B (or equivalent) in most Mathematics and Statistics courses.
  • Minimum General GRE score in quantitative section: 156.
  • Required preparatory courses include undergraduate courses in calculus, linear algebra, probability and statistics, differential equations, numerical methods, and programming.
  • The admission process goes beyond meeting the minimum requirements.
  • The list of courses, offered at KFUPM, which are equivalent to the required preparatory undergraduate instruction in calculus, linear algebra, probability and statistics, differential equations, numerical methods, and programming are given below for each program: Math 101, Math 102, Math 201, Math 202, Math 225, Math 333, Math 371, Stat 201, 212, 214 or 319 ICS 104

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • MATH 528: Mathematics for Visual Computing
  • ITD 521: digital visualization for visual computing
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • COE 595: Advanced Computer Vision Processing
  • ICS 502: Machine Learning
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • MATH 583: Computer Graphics: Modeling and Processing
  • SWE 503: Human-Computer Interaction
  • ICS 619: Project
semester 4 (Spring)
  • ICS 544: Interactive Computer Graphics
  • MATH 584: Computer Graphics : Animation and Simulation
  • ICS 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 50,000 - As low as SR 12,000 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: HIVE (Hybrid Immersive Virtual Education)

Water scarcity is one of the biggest challenges facing humanity today, and is expected to become even more acute in the future. This interdisciplinary program provides the necessary skills to tackle key challenges in the entire water cycle, from resources to waste, including water storage, state-of-the-art desalination technologies, domestic and industrial wastewater treatment, and water pollution. The application of this knowledge is universal across numerous sectors, including oil and gas, petrochemicals, healthcare, agriculture, and others. Having an advanced degree in this important field is an essential addition to those looking for a successful career in these industries.

The program offers a comprehensive coverage of the full hydrologic cycle. Topics include engineering hydrology (hydrologic cycle, precipitation, runoff, flood routing, etc.), water resources and pollution (e.g. water footprint, virtual water, groundwater and ocean pollution), groundwater remediation (mass transport in porous media, contaminant hydrogeology, risk assessment, ex-situ and in-situ remediation methods, etc.), and industrial wastewater treatment (e.g. treatment standards, pollution prevention, waste reduction, design of physico-chemical processes, equalization, neutralization).

The programs covers several advanced topics in desalination, include thermal desalination (solar stills, humidification/dehumidification, single and multiple effect evaporation, etc.), membrane desalination (membrane transport theory, concentration polarization, membrane fouling, reverse-osmosis system design, etc.), material degradation in desalination (corrosion, wear, mitigation practices, acid cleaning, etc.), rate controlled separation processes (e.g. crystallization, adsorption, adsorption, ion exchange, rate based modeling, breakthrough curves).

Hosting department:
Mechanical Engineering
Program Requirement:
  • BSc in engineering

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • CE 533: Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport
  • ME 545: Membrane Based Desalination
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • ENVS 573: Water Resources & Water Pollution
  • MSE 513: Material Degradation in Desalination and treatment Industry
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • CHE 525: Rate Controlled Separation Processes
  • CE 545: Wastewater Engineering
  • ME 619: Project
Semester 4 (Spring)
  • ENVS 574: Groundwater Remediation
  • ME 529: Advanced Thermal Desalination
  • ME 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 50,000 - As low as SR 12,000 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: In-Person

This multidisciplinary program prepares professionals for the exciting and rapidly expanding industry of wireless communications. The world is increasingly abandoning the wire, so future careers in communication will invariably depend on professionals who fully understand wireless protocols and devices at multiple scales.

This program focuses on contemporary and novel topics in wireless communications, including network layering, digital communication, wireless protocols (from 2G to 5G, leading to 6G), spectrum regulation, management, and security. Topics include space representation of signals, detection of signals in noise, band-pass modulation techniques, cellular systems, propagation modeling, digital transmission techniques, diversity, and multiple access techniques. Other topics include optical fibers, waveguides, light sources, IoT principles and application requirements, network management standards, models, and protocols, frequency planning, spectrum management authorities, global interoperability, standardization bodies, testing and certifications, and wireless communications development.

Hosting department:
Electrical Engineering
Program Requirement:
  • BSc in Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications or Communications Engineering, Computer Science or Engineering, Physics, Systems Engineering, Mathematics, or equivalent.

Degree Plan:
Semester 1 (Fall)
  • EE 572: Principles of Digital Communications
  • COE 540: Computer Networks
Semester 2 (Spring)
  • EE 534: Optical Communications
  • EE 584: Spectrum Regulations, Management, and Policies
Semester 3 (Fall)
  • EE 577: Wireless and Personal Communications
  • COE 556: Internet of Things- Wireless Applications
  • EE 619: Project
Semester 4 (Spring)
  • COE 555: Network Management and Security
  • EE 579: Wireless Communications II
  • EE 619: Project

Program Tuition Fee: Base SR 50,000 - As low as SR 12,000 after discount

Tuition Calculator

Duration: 2 Years

Delivery Mode: HIVE (Hybrid Immersive Virtual Education)
  1. For any Academic Inquiries, please contact: mx@kfupm.edu.sa